Sunday 16 October 2016

The Great Fire of London by Sophie


Wednesday 5th September 1666

20 pennies


Words By; S. Sams

A fire which started in a bakery in Pudding lane on Sunday continues to spread. The wooden houses of the city burnt quickly moving between the closely packed streets.
 People are loading carts with their valuables and fleeing their homes. Those who do not have carts are burying their possessions in their gardens to protect them. 

 People are trying to put the fire out with leather buckets and gunpowder. Saint Paul’s has burnt down and the fire is heading to the Tower of London where the King keeps his gun powder.

Samuel Pepys has told the king that people are not helping to put the fire out. Sir Thomas Bloodworth, the Lord Mayor has been slow to help. Mr Pepys said;

People do all the world over cry out of the simplicity of my Lord Mayor in general, and more particularly in this business of the fire.

Duke James the king’ brother is in charge of stopping the fire and even the King is out helping. People have fled the city, some by boat others on foot but food and shelter are now in short supply beyond the walls.

Mr Pepys has said it is “the saddest sight of desolation that I ever saw.”

This was my daughter Sophie's (aged 6) homework this week.